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Issayas Tesfamariam

Professor Betty LaDuke donates her Eritrea artwork to Eritrea.

Prof. Betty La Duke, a world renowned artist-scholar and professor of art emeritus at Southern Oregon University donated her Eritrea related paintings, sketches and wood panels to the people and government of Eritrea. Before the return of the Eritrea related paintings to their permanent home in Eritrea, the above mentioned paintings were exhibited in over 25 cities and university museums in the United States.

Prof. La Duke's artwork was exhibited at the Asmara Palace Hotel from December 21-28, 2016. The sponsor of the exhibition was the Commission of Culture and Sports of Eritrea.

Prof. La Duke's artwork include: 23 paintings on canvas, 3 wood panels and 18 sketches. According to the Commission, Prof. La Duke's artwork would tour the rest of the country in the near future.

Prof. La Duke is the mother of Wiona La Duke: renowned American environmentalist, author, political activist and US vice presidential candidate with Ralph Nader.

The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of African Art have recently added the Betty La Duke Eritrea Photographic collection.

Check out the announcement on their entry blog at:

Some of the sketches (taken on a cell phone)

The video above is courtesy of ERI-TV.

To check out Betty's website:

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